ACT4Growth is a European Citizens' Initiative for increasing female entrepreneurship to stir economic growth. Female entrepreneurship is not a gender issue; it's an ECONOMIC IMPERATIVE! We need 1 million signatures to make a significant change in Europe. One million starts with one- with YOU! We can make this together! Help create more jobs, economic growth and sustainability. Please sign up for our campaign. We would love to have your support at:

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Why get involved…

Author: Haroula Pouha

Nowadays there are few critical issues that concern every European citizen regardless of age, gender, social status and educational level. These are common to every country and of high importance especially after the economic recession our continent is facing. Become involved in an initiative that will overcome these obstacles or prejudices someone could say, is a matter of social responsibility not only for our community but also for Europe in general. There are many reasons why each one of us should vote for female entrepreneurship, however, they could be summarized into three main categories:

Economic growth: Female entrepreneurship equals job creation, business flourishing and restart of real economy. These three basic and fundamental stones are considered as the most important and notable reasons for the existence of a European Citizens’ initiative. In times where young people are losing their jobs or cannot even have the chance to start their professional career, it is our responsibility to take actions against this stagnation which gradually undermines and destroys our confidence for better life.  

Social recovery: Someone can think that economic growth and social recovery have the same meaning. However, this is not the case if you consider it more carefully. Social recovery has a dual meaning. It represents the ability of citizens around the world to re-create better and more sustainable conditions of everyday life, but also the chance to build a more stable and well-balanced society, where capable women will have the chance to transform their innovative and original ideas into successful businesses. The lack of resources the latest decades regarding female entrepreneurship has hold back thousands of women who have great ideas but are unable to put them into practice. A society that promotes actions like that can recover faster, and more important, can preserve their prosperity and development longer.

Better future: The last category could be considered as a summary of the above two, as a better future needs the appropriate conditions in order to grow. Female entrepreneurship, thus, new business opportunities do not only refer to job opportunities but they can also be translated into new forms of development that can inspire young and enthusiastic people, women and men, to chase their dreams even under unfavorable conditions, like the ones we are facing today. Our present actions can build strong foundations not only for us but also for future generations. Long-term initiatives can reassure a more consistent and healthy future.

More can be said around this burning issue, but I believe the above three categories are summarizing the grounds of Act4Growth. Shall we wish to change our future into a more positive one; initiatives like this should be our first priority. Europe needs new and strong ideas in order to promote economic and social development, and female entrepreneurship is a great starting point.    

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Feel Inspired!

Author: Aura Carmen Slate

Entrepreneurship means economic growth. Female entrepreneurship is more than economic growth, hence it means imagining new solutions and career paths, attracting opportunities, nourishing great ideas that will grow one day into great businesses to have a positive impact on the labour market, competitiveness environment and employment opportunities.

Shape your future. The significance of Female Entrepreneurship as a European Citizens’ Initiative lies in the fact that it has become a necessity even more augmented by the economic crises and high unemployment rate among young people that we are facing today. It is an opportunity to tackle with the economic recovery through measures designed to improve economic activities while revealing role models, dedicated and committed women to their goals in the same time.

Act for development and sustainable growth. Women-owned businesses have the potential of job creation that we lack nowadays in the Members States across the European Union. Encouraging one woman to start up her business means in the same time providing employment opportunities for several people more. Multiply this to such an extent that unemployment may not be at such an increased level that it is in the present. Moreover, great ideas and start-ups, innovative and growth strategies that encourage competitive businesses do not happen only in big cities as one may think. Therefore smaller communities could benefit as well from the added value of the female-owned businesses since these communities statistically speaking, have the tendency to be the most afflicted by the unemployment risk and poverty.

Rely on strong ideas. More female entrepreneurs will lead to an even more competitive and dynamic economy, networking and funding opportunities to be easily accessed. Success can be achieved through a diverse range of business approaches and flow of ideas that combine different educational and cultural backgrounds. Though facing different challenges, women entrepreneurs will open gates for those sharing strong values and principles of professionalism.

Start the debate. It is high time to get involved and become an active part in the debate in order to increase public awareness of the positive contribution to society’s growth as an economic catalyst of the female entrepreneurship in the European Union.

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Women as entrepreneurs

Authors: Eli Dhapi and Aura Carmen Slate

Back in 2009, Lloyd  Blankfein, Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs (GS) stated that women offer the “highest return on investment”. in the past 15 years women’s ventures have increased by 50% with remarkable revenues jumping up to 58%. This achievement is impressive given that traditionally women didn’t have access to business capital and also were forced to operate in a world where men’s business were typically favored. Despite the challenges, women entrepreneurs made it and gained access to vital means of growing their business. Because of that, over the last century we see society’s increasing acceptance toward women entrepreneurs.

The main question that arises around that topic is whether there is a difference between women and men entrepreneurs. Some argue that there is a significant difference since men and women differ biologically and traditionally; women are not supposed to be successful entrepreneurs, but they supposed to stay home and take care of the children. We are living in a world where misconceptions are prevalent over the need of women to be creative and even the urgencies of the economic crisis. People adhere to anachronistic beliefs in a time when statistics show that women entrepreneurs have helped countries alleviate themselves from the burden of the crisis, by creating more economic growth, jobs and social development. Nowadays, there are more mothers who have achieved a balance between personal and working life. However, rigid European policies do not allow women to enjoy the same opportunities as men when it comes to starting their own business.

Nowadays we live in an era where European citizens can voice their opinion and they have the power to change laws. ACT4Growh is a European Citizens’ Initiative which gives the opportunity to Europeans to propose four policies to the European Commission, in order to encourage female entrepreneurship and save Europe from the economic depression. This is the first time in history when European citizens are can realistically decide the fate of Europe. ACT4Growth needs one million signatures in order to achieve this goal; one million signatures can make a difference.

We all admire a Mom, a wife, a business woman and an entrepreneur! Let’s get together and let’s support a change in European laws, let’s support all the heroes female entrepreneurs who have made it through the crisis and creating more jobs, economic growth and sustainability.

Discrimination positive : une autre forme de discrimination?

Author: Alessia Virone
Malgré les lois permettant un accès égal aux fonctions politiques et économiques pour les hommes et les femmes, ces dernières sont encore sous-représentées dans ces secteurs. Ce problème entre dans le cadre plus large de la sous-représentation de certains groupes, que ceux-ci soient basés sur des critères de genre, de race, d’origine socio-économique, d’orientation sexuelle ou autre. Les mesures de discrimination positive telles que les quotas ou la parité visent à contrer cette sous-représentation systématique de certains groupes. Ces mesures suscitent des débats parmi les politiques mais aussi au sein de la population. Le terme même de « discrimination » positive est négativement connoté. Les mesures d’égalité des chances sont-elles pertinentes ou sont-elles une nouvelle forme de discrimination?

La critique la plus courante à l’encontre des mesures d’égalité des chances est leur aspect contradictoire. L’action positive identifie un groupe et détermine des règles spécifiques qui s’y appliquent dans le but que ses membres soient vus comme des individus et ne soient plus définis par leur appartenance à ce groupe. La discrimination est donc utilisée pour mettre un terme à la discrimination.

Une autre critique récurrente est que les personnes obtenant leur position grâce aux règles d’égalité des chances seraient moins compétentes. Elles serviraient à répondre aux lois exigeant une représentation minimum de certains groupes et ne seraient donc pas sélectionnées grâce à leurs propres capacités. Toutefois,  étant donné qu’il n’existe pas de raisons pour que les groupes sous-représentés soient par nature moins intéressés par ces fonctions ou moins capables de les assumer, la discrimination positive tente uniquement de contrer une discrimination, volontaire ou non, envers ces groupes. Les mesures d’égalité des chances ne signifient pas attribuer des positions à des personnes incompétentes mais donner une opportunité à des personnes capables d’assumer des fonctions que des critères non pertinents les empêchent d’atteindre.

Les mesures de discrimination positive ont également de nombreux avantages. Elles permettent une représentation plus juste des différents groupes de la société. Elles visent à contrer la discrimination structurelle qui refuse à certains membres de la société des opportunités existant pour les autres. L’action positive permet d’augmenter la participation des groupes discriminés et de les rendre plus visibles. C’est particulièrement important au regard de la longue tradition de décrédibilisation et de dépreciation de ces groups dans certains secteurs et fonctions. De plus, cela permet à la société de réaliser que les membres de ces groupes sont capables d’assurer ces fonctions. Par ailleurs, leur représentation et leur visibilité accrue sert de modèle et encourage d’autres membres des groupes discriminés à briguer ces fonctions dans le futur.

La discrimination positive n’est certes pas une solution parfait mais elle est nécessaire. Elle permet de favoriser une représentation plus juste et de lutter contre les préjugés. Dans l’idéal, lorsque les mentalités auront changé, elle ne serait plus utile. Mais en attendant elle est indispensable.